Friday, August 24, 2007


with out the pills she thinks of you all the time, she couldnt stop if she even wanted to . but it doesnt feel right to her, she wants to pack up and go- to wake up with that look in your eyes, the kisses of your lips. the taste of your body.

leaving isnt as easy as it sounds, even though happiness would come much more often. she wishes he wasnt in the picture sometimes, or even if she just felt whole, here at home. she takes her pills and enters that wonderland

she is feeling slowly better about who she is, how she is. even more open and daring to the thoughts and the world around her.

the bottle always empties to fast, to fast for her happiness to go away. she dreamt she didnt need such things to help sooth her mind.

but baby, with you , you are there, there a distance away.
im scared.
im frozen.
i want to smile.
because of you.
not because its mandatory.

the things you say to me.
should be published in a book.
my heart melts
and i fall deeper into you

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